Gemini Performance LLC
(Mitchell Foley, Owner)
Gemini Performance LLC
(Mitchell Foley, Owner)
Elite coaching - Supplement development
Elite coaching - Supplement development

ENDORSEMENTS Supplement(s) & Coaching
ENDORSEMENTS Supplement(s) & Coaching
A lot of my rides are before sunrise and pretty long. 300 to 400 mile weeks are the norm for me. I use BIO 5-in-One on all my rides. The supplement helps keep me going and pushing myself in speed & endurance. I just hope you don’t stop selling it because there is nothing comparable on the market..
Paul Raknes, Seattle, WA USAT Certified Triathlon Coach @ Paul's facebook page
OK - been using Bio5inOne for 2 weeks now - HOLY SHIT!!! Can't get over the effect it has on my ability to hold power at or above threshold - its like I've got someone else's legs - I'm a believer and I'll be an evangelist and I'll be submitting orders for more ASAP. Congratulations! this stuff is phenomenal.
Ken DiPietro, Boston, MA Chief Executive, Biotech, Software. Lifetime strength endurance athlete / Cyclist, Kona Ironman
Loving Bio5-In-One. One scoop about 30 mins prior to training and one with my water during the workout and my capacity to perform at intensity/duration and recover with minimal muscle soreness is improving my overall fitness. Stacking these 5 supplements into a proprietary blend is a clever idea and works well because in one serving you are getting an effective amino acid load to effect muscle repair, suppressed lactic build, sustained energy with the creatine and the anti-inflammatory/cardio protective response from the cordyceps blend. Gemini have created a powerful supplement that has helped me restore my health, promote physical recovery and increase overall endurance.
Andrew Marquis, Concord, MA @theandrewmarquisteam Dedicated community group rider (Road & Mtn Bike)
Mitchell is an avid cyclist and precise trainer on the bike. So my initial thought about Bio5InOne was that it must "work" if Mitchell is behind it. But, I'm always a skeptic for supplements, new products, etc. I always feel there is some placebo effect going on and that eating a well rounded diet is good enough. Well, after using Bio5InOne for 6 weeks now I can say that I've noticed a very positive impact on my cycling. Most notably, it allows me to pedal longer and harder with less noticeable leg fatigue. It also aids in recovery and DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) when using a bit post-ride. I typically use the product by mixing it with a bit of electrolytes in my bottle on the bike. When I drink this on the bike I find that it provides nutrients and sugar to keep me going without having to eat as much solid food on a longer ride. I'm a true believer now that the right type of supplements can provide a big boost when used in addition to your basic well rounded diet. I look forward to training more with Bio5InOne!
Goran Nikolic, Woodside, CA @gorandotcom
Out of all the workout supplements you can buy, Bio5inOne is by far the best. The flavor is delicious, and it really works. I do two bottles each with one scoop. I have noticed a lot more power in my legs on group rides, climbing, and have far more energy on longer group rides too. Overall my performance has significantly improved with Bio5inOne. Additionally, @mitchelllfoley888 is knowledgeable, knows his stuff and is awesome to work with.
Cary Nebelkopf, Boston South Shore, (61 year old Cyclist)
I had no luck finding a supplement to use without eating, then I came across 5in1. I can ride for two hours without eating anything and without stomach issues. My cycling has really taken off, 1 min and 2 min power has seen big increases, all around the gains keep coming. This stuff is great. Couple this with his coaching, working on efficiency and strength has made me a faster rider. Yahoo.
Carol Beliveau, Bayboro, NC @cbthefastrn (Registered Nurse & Strava Everest Holder, Mt. Mitchell)
This stuff really works. I wanted to give it a few weeks of use - some days of putting it in one of my bottles and some days without. Seems I am always riding better WITH unlike most of the hocus pocus that is available out there. I've since told several of my riding friends about it, hopefully you will reap the rewards. My recoveries seem quicker, I'm not cramping like I used to and, if on a hammer session and I feel things getting tight - it's a big chug. Poof, magic. Thank you for pushing forward and getting this stuff on the market and available to the general public instead of keeping it all to yourself. I know it wasn't easy and I certainly appreciate your efforts. Now just don't stop selling it, ok?? ;)
Tyler Monroe, Andover, MA @tmonroe22 (2021 Masters Marathon Mtn.Bike National Champion 60-64)
3 hour Mtn bike rides require a camelback and two scoops of Bio5inOne to help reduce lactic acid build up in the legs.
Dennis Loria, Acton, MA @dennislori61 (Local community group ride leader)
At 65, I am always looking for a new edge to compensate for age related muscle loss. I still enjoy friendly competition and pushing my limits. I’ve invested in all of the mechanical stuff: light bike, carbon wheels, power meter, etc. My newest edge is Bio5in1. It helps me ride stronger longer and recover faster. Definitely recommend it if you are looking for an edge.
Dr. Megan Sybeldon, Alexandria, VA @megsyb10 (Cat 1, Cycling powerhouse, D-1 Track & Field)
*Sept. 26 I think bio5in1 is working for me. I get DOMS about two days after some hard workouts. I did a fairly anaerobic workout on Friday and a hilly workout today, and I didn't have a lot of burning in my legs. So far so good!
*Oct. 14 Hello! Just wanted to give you more positive feedback about Bio 5-in-1. I used it before /during my ride yesterday. We did a hard, fast ride and I impressed the guys in one of the final hard stretches by passing them. We were already pretty much going full out. Also I didn’t have much in the way of muscle soreness this morning. I’m a fan!
Anja Meichsner, Bedford, MA @anja_Meichsner Licensed Personal Trainer,Pilates Instructor. Endurance &Triathlon Coach.
Did the scratch/Bio5inOne mix again! No Issues! Legs felt great until the end (50 miles Mtn bike race)!
John Jantz: Somerville, MA @jj121519 (Pro Cyclist / 2021 2nd Place Overall Mt Washington Hill Climb)
Did an absolutely SAVAGE workout last night. 1m/4m/7m/12m ALL OUT for each. Drank a bottle serving 30min beforehand. Really pleased with my outputs across the board. Will order more tonight!
Greg Oravetz: Arlington, MA @goravetz (2 time US Pro Road Champion, Former National Team & Euro Pro)
I've had a good experience so far. Recovery is the name of the game at any age. Day 2 and 3 is where you feel there is more in the tank. Very impressed great product!
Eiric Marro, Nashua, NH @eiricmarro (USA Cycling racer for life and US Marine Corp Veteran)
Mitchell, I had a bottle w 1 scoop 30 min before the start. This race was flatter so I could race people not the course. I felt like it gave me an edge. I'm going to use it for the rest of the season & give you feedback but so far it appears to be Legit. Thanks!
Sean Cudmore, Acton, MA (Avid community fast group rider, rower)
About 2 weeks ago, I bought a tub of "BIO 5-in-One" and I've been using it for my Z3 rides. Today I had 2 bottles each with 1 scoop (w 2 GUs & a Lara-bar). I definitely felt like I had lots of gas in my legs, surprisingly even toward the end of the ride. My legs actually felt like they weren't tired at all at the end of the ride, even though I was doing a lot of pulling for the last 15 miles or so. It seems like it must be working for me.
Dick Cross: Concord, MA @dickcross (Former elite master Triathlete)
5-time US Champion ... now that's a guy I'll listen to. Tried Bio5-in-One on my first ride after two months off ... felt like I'd never missed a pedal stroke with top 20% stats!
Oystein R.B., Harvard University (Avid community fast group rider)
Bio5 should help the soreness...."100% @mitchellfoley888. I will strike fear in the hearts of the Spinsters the next time I see them!
Orhun Muratoglu, Cambridge, MA (Global touring Cyclist)
That stuff really works. I didn't feel the need to eat half the fridge when I got home.
Mark Farnsworth, North Carolina @farnsworth4133 (Silver medalist 200 meter TT & 5,000 meter pts race/ Roller Sports Speed Skating nationals)
25 yrs ago, I raced bikes w Mitchell Foley and always was impressed with his fitness level and the way he approached the sport. Back then, I was also in pretty decent shape but never really a powerful rider. I was and still am an "enthusiast" level athlete with decent talent but I don't have any illusions of greatness. Overall health is my #1 goal. I also want to perform as well as possible in my chosen sport of roller skating. With this in mind, I recently started taking the Bio5-in-One supplement Mitchell sells.
David Custer, Silver Spring MD @redheaded_custer (Fitness runner, cyclist)
That run I did....took some Bio5inOne and it keeps the body moving.
Richard Cross, Chesapeake, VA (On his 73rd birthday)
Mainly, I want to tell you about my first experience with 5-in-1. Basically, I thought it was a treat ... we’ll talk more about that .... and tastes great. I drank half of an 18 oz mix before a ride then cut the reminder with sparkling water and really enjoyed that afterward.The headline is that I’d only taken three short “getting back into it” light rides after getting home from Virginia and headed out Friday for a bit longer but still easy, build-up session. Well after 15 mins, I found myself running consistently just slightly below 90% of my max heart rate and finished up at 4.5 of 5.0 on my Garmin aerobic workout evaluation. And I felt sort of like I could jump through the ceiling.
I'm just your average obsessed cyclist but have to say Bio5inOne makes a difference in my riding. Check it out!
Thomas Feighnty, Austin, TX @thomasfeighny (Strava KOM Monster)
First impressions. VERY IMPRESSED. Definitely felt stronger on the bike given that it's Monday night after a long ride this weekend. Thought I would have been worn out? Almost felt it was easier to pedal a slower cadence in a big gear versus a high cadence which I do when I'm Fatigued.
Dr. Brian Blonden, MD: Andover, MA @anesdtr (USA Cycling Racer x 25yrs)
Great product!!!42 mi loop on Wed. DOMs (delayed onset of muscle fatigue)have been an issue lately. NONE!!! Hopefully this is my replacement for Cyomax and Creatine Fuel Cocktail. Noticeable difference* You were always the King of marginal gains long before it became popular with Team Sky!
Per Jenson Concord, MA @ (Local strongman community rider)
An A-list of supplements..." "Surprisingly, the resulting TNFR ride showed I had the highest estimated average power (most likely as in ever) for this ride, combined with a very substantial drop in average heart rate and relative effort. These were probably historic low rates for me.
Carol Beliveau: N.Carolina @cbthefastrn
Nice to meet you & great product! I look forward to really doing some hammering with it.
Coaching Testimonials
Goran Nikolic, San Jose, CA Software Engineer, Husband, Father, Wine collector
Mitchell is incredible. He is patient, knowledgeable, and a pleasure to talk to. I was very impressed with his attention to cycling holistically and not pushing the body until I was ready. He is committed to your success. I highly recommend him to anyone serious about improving their cycling strength. My goal was to get faster at climbing. Not only did Mitchell help me become a faster climber, but I also reached goals I thought were not possible. Aside from years of knowledge in cycling drills, plan creation, stretching pre/post rides, he also understands the emotional component.
Paul Luttik, Boston, MA (Netherlands) Winner of Team Psycho 18th Annual Indoor TT, 400 watts for 21:24)
I highly recommend Mitchell as a coach! Working with Mitchell taught me things about cycling I was not necessarily expecting to learn. Obviously the types of workouts and intervals to do in the run-up to my events were very useful, but I especially appreciated his focus on overall rider development. Specifically I learned how I could improve things like riding technique, training polarization, and taking the time to actively recover. As a “weekend warrior” it’s easy to always just “go hard” due to limited time, and certain standardized online training plans definitely encourage weeks of never ending high intensity intervals, but working with Mitchell showed me the value of a more personal and periodized/varied approach. That approach and mindset are definitely something I will continue to use in the future. Lastly I really appreciated his easy communication style, and how it’s clear he actually cares about your progress."
Sam Fritchel, Cambridge, MA CCB Foundation Elite, 1st place 2019 Pro 1-2 Tour of Hilltowns
Mitchell and I rode bikes together for a year as peers he being the much faster peer) before I decided to formalize a coaching relationship. Certainly, the physical gains I made under his direction were significant. In my first full race season, I accomplished more than I could have hoped for just a year earlier. It should go without saying that Mitchell knows how to write a work out plan, how to track improvements, how to properly taper and format a season. What's remarkable is his constant effort to stay at the frontier of the sport by reading studies, listening to podcasts, and personally testing new ideas. With three decades of cycling experience, he knows where cycling has been, yet he's more focused on where it's going. Anyone who has spent enough time in this sport knows that training and racing are the easy, fun parts. I've found the most challenging parts are injury and rehabilitation, illness, and the demands of a racing lifestyle. This sport asks so much of an athlete; it demands so much of their humanity. Physically, Mitchell has been through the wringer, has marched the road of rehabilitation. He is compassionate for athletes who make tremendous personal sacrifices to perform at their highest level. Many of our best conversations are not about power numbers, heart rate data, or even results. They are about how an athlete, a natural competitor, a human being, expresses them self through cycling. In moments of crisis, Mitchell has proven time and again to be an invaluable friend and mentor.
Foot note: The year we met, Mitchell was training for the grueling 120mi Cat 1 national road race. Long, rolling road races had never been his strength, and yet at age 55, he went on a ketogenic diet, and rode more volume than ever before. In the end he flatted out of the race, but that's not the point. The point is, after nearly three decades in the sport, he adapted his training, diet, and mindset towards a novel goal. This is the sort of adaptable expertise he brings to the table.
Tate Kokubo, Arlington, MA CCB Foundation Elite, 2019 U-23 National Road Race Championships, 6th place
Before I started working with Mitchell I would ride as hard as I could every time I got on my bike leaving me with more fatigue than improvement. After about a full season working with Mitchell I have transformed as a rider pushing myself further than I thought I was capable of. From his knowledge of race craft and recovery to knowing what works best for my personal needs, he has created a system that I can trust. Not only is he good at helping me through success but when things do not go to plan his guidance through those low points has been the key to my work with him. He always has advice on the best way to learn from mistakes, take ownership and transform it into a new strength. Working with him has boosted my confidence and self belief, leaving me ready and prepared for anything on race day.
Cormac Mcgeough, Girona, Spain 2018-2019 ProTour Continental professional, Team EvoPro, Jelly Belly Cycling
Before Mitchell started coaching me I was relatively narrow minded when it came to my training approach. Mitchell brought to my attention the training of all my different systems as well as taking a holistic approach to the bike, including changing my lifestyle and nutrition in a way which made me feel better day-to-day, and helped me to achieve my goals. Mitchell assisted with making my training much more professional; we always go out and ride with a purpose. But the best part about Mitchell is that in a heart beat, if I so desired, we could fundamentally change the way that we approach my training if things weren't working. He is very flexible in this sense, in that he wants to make his clients fast while taking into consideration their individual requests and their circumstances.
Erik Calderone, Boston, MA 2019 New England ITT Champion, Team Psycho ITT '19, 2nd, 380w x 22 minutes I can say with complete confidence that now into my second year of coaching with Mitchell the experience has been nothing short of transformative. His holistic approach to the cycling lifestyle provided me with growth opportunities that transcend prescribed intervals, wattages, and heart rates. Of course under his guidance and training I became a much stronger cyclist. But more importantly, working with Mitchell cultivated an understanding and appreciation of the intangibles like race craft, nutrition, rest / restoration / recovery, and coming back from injury. He served as a friend and mentor through one of the most harrowing experiences of my life - I was hit by a car in May resulting in a badly broken femur. Under his guidance, I came back stronger than ever. I was able to race by late August and played an active roll in many highly competitive group rides. Training is easy when all you have to do is suffer through intervals. Any plan on the market can give you that. The question is, what kind of support network do you have when adversity comes knocking at your door, or worse, barging straight through? What do you do when you’re 10% stronger than last year but unable to capitalize on your fitness when race day comes? How do you manage sensations that seem to contradict performance? His advice and experience surrounding these questions and many others like it are the reason to work with Mitchell. As I look toward next season and reflect on the season that passed, I am humbled by the opportunity to be coached by someone I trust and respect. That is what you want in a coach, and what you will get day in and day out when you work with Mitchell Foley.
Tom Van Dyck, Boston, MA Boston Symphony Orchestra, Cyclist, Rock Climber, Runner
Mitchell has been an indispensable resource for information, motivation and inspiration for me in cycling as well as throughout my life. As a father of 2 toddlers, a musician, teacher, cyclist, climber, runner and all around active and high energy person it has been difficult for me to focus my psych and intensity in a way that would get me stronger rather than continually leave me feeling depleted. Mitchell has created an extremely personalized approach to my training around an incredibly busy (work, family, lengthy international touring etc.) and demanding personal life that has had me seeing rapid gains way beyond my expectations. He has truly listened to me and geared all our work together towards my goals articulated and sensed. He has also been a teacher, mentor and a friend through an extremely challenging part of my life. For this, I am very grateful. Our work leaves me feeling a sense of accomplishment and teamwork in our endeavor to make me a better cyclist, all round athlete and healthier person. His tremendous intelligence and knowledge of everything about cycling and the body’s varied physiological responses to exertion are fascinating and extremely intellectual engaging for me in addition to being essential knowledge for any serious athlete. Having gone purely on instinct with no real plan or principles to my prior training our work has been transformative for me. While not a heavily competitive or accomplished cyclist, Mitchell has treated my training with the utmost respect and sense of importance despite its lack of imminent imperative. As a musician who teaches and has studied with great instrumental pedagogues, I can honestly say his coaching and mentorship are at the highest level seen in any intense personal endeavor of mastery and excellence. I cannot recommend him enough!
Jerome Nadel, San Jose, CA 2017 National Champion Master 55+ Crit, 2016 NORCAL Most Valuable Rider
I've known, raced against, raced with, and admired Mitchell's approach toward cycling and life for more than a decade. From our introduction at Masters Nationals several years ago, where we were in a break together and he went on to win, to racing as teammates, to leveraging his skill, perspective, and philosophy on riding, racing, and life as my coach, my admiration and derived value are immeasurable. Mitchell's insights and suggestions are clear and implementable. I'm riding better and enjoying the bike more with his coaching.
Michael Boucher, Sterling, VA Corp sales, Triathlete
Mitchell is a great coach! When I first met Mitchell I was swimming at Walden Pond as a brand new triathlete knowing very little about biking. I was doing what we call in swimming “garbage yardage”. Within 9 months, he taught me how to train with a purpose. Every ride had something more to focus on, making training interesting and dynamic. He was extremely flexible to work around my MANY other activities (I’m sure I made things difficult with how much else I was doing), always seeing how we could weld it all together to help strengthen the total training package. By the end of only ONE SEASON Mitchel guided me 1/3 of the way up the leader board in my age group on the USA Triathlon rankings as well as increasing my FTP by over 100 watts! Mitchell is not only just a great coach. In the middle of the season I decided to move from Boston to Northern Virginia. He helped me plan new bike routs, get in touch with local cyclists and pick new local races! This is above and beyond what I would have expected from any coach, but it really goes to show that Mitchell takes into account the bigger picture when he is coaching because everything is connected. I cannot think of a better well rounded and thoughtful coach.
Ronald Savenor, Boston, MA Porsche Pirelli Cup Champion. Driving instructor
Mitchell’s approach to training and injury rehabilitation has been very effective for me. Over the years I have sustained many injuries and Mitchell understands my deficiencies from them. He knows how to work with and around them, and guides my workouts (nutrition & recovery) to be in tune. My past injuries, my current condition and my goals are all aligned so I can achieve the fitness, health and condition I want. -Ron Savenor"
Kenneth DiPietro, Martha's Vineyard, MA Lifestyle cyclist, former Triathlete and Kona finisher
What I appreciate most about Mitchell is his approach and accepts me for who I am, yet encourages me to see what I can be. Mitchell brings his years of real world racing experiences and accomplishments and applies them in a tailored method helping his clients achieve their goals.
Dina Sorenson Charlottesville, VA Former Women's Pro Rider. Current wellness-fitness-lifestyle rider
My relationship with the bike is half way through its 32nd year. Thirty years ago I discovered the sport of cycling and with that…have been wedded to the bike throughout all of life’s highs, lows and inevitable flat spots. As an athlete, I have always valued and leaned on the expertise of a great coach to keep me sharp, tuned and honest about my goals and capabilities. I have learned over the years, no two coaches are alike as it takes an exceptional human being with depth of life experience to become a great coach. As a mature athlete, Mitchell Foley has brought great coaching back into my life after a hiatus from competitive cycling. Of course, offering customized training programs is one aspect of success, but his training approach has philosophical backbone and his innate ‘bike whisperer’ abilities tune into the unique, personal attributes that drive my athletic aspirations. To be coached now, in the most powerful and fulfilling sense, requires that I remain coach-able and open to the wisdom of a great coach like Mitchell who guides and gives real-time feedback. Working with Mitchell Foley captures the spirit, essence and efficacy of such distinctive, authentic coaching. His brilliant combination of technical, empirical expertise and leadership; depth and breadth of real world experience, genuine commitment to my personal process and uncanny ability to get to the philosophical and practical heart of the matter inspires me in this mature phase of my lifelong relationship with the sport of cycling."